Making time (for what matters)
Everyone’s holidays are different. Mine are drenched with travel, leaving little time for reflection and preparation for the year to come.
I’m tired of sliding sidelong into a new year, tires screeching, haggard and unprepared. So this year I did it differently, carving out time for a thoughtful review of the year gone by. My focus: evaluating how I spent my time. Did it match my stated goals and values?
Unsurprisingly, I failed the test. So this year, I’m using the power of the Outlook calendar to ensure my priorities are, well, prioritized. Those priorities are:
Get stronger: I’m scheduling 30 minutes of walking and 30 minutes of weightlifting every day
Emphasize relationships: My wife and I will meet on the back porch every day after the work to connect. And we scheduled all our trips in advance, ensuring we’ll actually take the time.
Keep learning: 30 minutes of learning daily, whether by watching a video or reading a book.
Grow spiritually: 30 minutes of reading and prayer before work each morning. Combine this with journaling.
Each item is scheduled out, time blocked for that exclusive purpose seven days a week. No plan survives contact with reality, but starting with a schedule that matches my priorities starts the year off right.
What changes are you making in 2021?
For more reading on this topic, I suggest “Your Oxygen Mask First: 17 Habits to Help High Achievers Survive & Thrive in Leadership & Life” by Kevin N. Lawrence (Amazon)