Ditch the list. Empower your calendar.
Admit it: you get a little rush checking an item off the to-do list. It feels good!
So what’s the problem with the original productivity tool?
Lists emphasize urgency over priority - Your brain craves completion, and will nudge you in the direction of the easy, unimportant tasks.
Lists fail to account for time - Time is our most fleeting, valuable asset. List-makers notoriously under-estimate the time each task will take.
Lists create a tsunami of dread - As the to-dos stack up (we never finish them all), the stress swells, encouraging avoidance and decision paralysis.
Calendars to the rescue! Make lists your ally by integrating them with your daily schedule. Here’s how:
Use lists as a capture device, not a planning tool - Writing everything down ensures you don’t lose track of key actions. But don’t run your day from the list.
Transfer items from your list to your calendar daily - Break the urgency trap and focus on priorities. How do you want to spend your time? Schedule out each task based on priority and time available. Try to allow 50% longer than you think you’ll need.
Batch the small stuff - The little things still have to get done. Try scheduling 30 minute blocks once a day where you’ll knock out three or four little items.
For more on this topic, check out this Fast Company article: Scheduling your priorities (and not your time) will supercharge your productivity